YAY, our State Testing is done!!!
Our school will be doing State Testing April 24 – May 1. Please make sure your child is well rested and eats breakfast every morning during testing. It’s a good idea to send a snack each day, and I will allow gum chewing during testing ONLY (studies have shown that it helps relax students so they will feel more at home and perform better). THERE WILL BE NO HOMEWORK DURING TESTING WEEK. We still have 2 sections (2 days) of testing for science in 5th grade only that will be done on Monday and Tuesday (April 30th and May 1st). We will, however, have homework during this time.
YAY, our State Testing is done!!!
Our school will be doing State Testing April 24 – May 1. Please make sure your child is well rested and eats breakfast every morning during testing. It’s a good idea to send a snack each day, and I will allow gum chewing during testing ONLY (studies have shown that it helps relax students so they will feel more at home and perform better). THERE WILL BE NO HOMEWORK DURING TESTING WEEK. We still have 2 sections (2 days) of testing for science in 5th grade only that will be done on Monday and Tuesday (April 30th and May 1st). We will, however, have homework during this time.