Baldy Mesa School Fundraisers
The latest fundraiser items were delivered to all students. We had over 60% participation on this one! Thank you so much for helping your school!! Treats were given to those that participated, and additional special treats were given to the top three sellers! Great job!
A BIG "THANK YOU" to those of you that supported our school by participating in the recent fundraiser. :) Your efforts make ALL the difference! Fundraisers are not what we LIKE to do, but with all the budget cuts, they are what we NEED to do to help our school, so that we can help our students. Only about half of our class participated in our school fundraiser. I wish that ALL our families would get involved in supporting OUR school, but I'm grateful for those of you that took the time, and the effort, to help our school. I will be giving out treats to those that bought, or sold, just ONE item, or more, because I think it's important that they know that we value their efforts to support their education. I will also be giving treats to those that sold the top 3 amounts.
I know fundraisers are a pain, but in these financially tough times, we really don't have a choice. Thank you for realizing that helping your school is helping your child.