5/26/18 - Yesterday the class earned back their Pizza Party (it was down to the last moment). I will be ordering about 10 pizzas from Red Baron Pizza (Yum!). I am not above accepting donations of $2 to $3 per student to help me pay for the pizza. I told the class that they could bring whatever else they would like to eat, but I always worry about not having enough drinks as the kids usually have about three-four drinks each throughout the day. If you already bought something to send it, that's great, but if you didn't then please look below to find out what to send in.
If your child's first name starts with the letter A - C, then please send in drinks. Please only water, or box/pouch drinks that come with straws to avoid nasty spills. If your child's name starts with any other letter, then please send in something from the following list of items; cut up fruit, vegetable plate, large bag of chips, dip, cookies, brownies, or whatever else you would like to send in.
Thank you, it should be a very fun day for your child. The Pizza Party will be on Wednesday, May 30th, but feel free to send items in on Tuesday.
4/29/18 - The Science Projects are due this week, April 30 - May 4. Six students per day will present. You can have your child bring in the science board to present to the class any day prior to, or on, their scheduled day. I notified parents via a Dojo message if their child was presenting on Monday or Tuesday. I will assign the rest of the week on Monday and will then send Dojo messages to those parents to notify you so that you can make sure your child won't forget to bring in the science board on, or before, that day.
Please remember that this is a mandatory assignment that your child had many weeks to complete. I also extended the deadline by a month. This project is the main science grade for this last trimester. If your child doesn't turn one in, then a failing grade in science will be issued.
ALSO - We are almost out of many classroom supplies. We only have three (3) more boxes of tissue, and we go through about a box every two (2) days. Please send in whatever you can so that we don't run out. I listed the items that we need right away below. THANK YOU!!!
1. Facial Tissue (AKA - Kleenex)
2. Hand Sanitizer - We really go through a lot of this stuff.
3. Hand/Face Wipes (like "Wet Ones" or baby wipes for cleaning hands/face (we don't have a sink in our portable room)
4. Copy Paper
Please remember that this is a mandatory assignment that your child had many weeks to complete. I also extended the deadline by a month. This project is the main science grade for this last trimester. If your child doesn't turn one in, then a failing grade in science will be issued.
ALSO - We are almost out of many classroom supplies. We only have three (3) more boxes of tissue, and we go through about a box every two (2) days. Please send in whatever you can so that we don't run out. I listed the items that we need right away below. THANK YOU!!!
1. Facial Tissue (AKA - Kleenex)
2. Hand Sanitizer - We really go through a lot of this stuff.
3. Hand/Face Wipes (like "Wet Ones" or baby wipes for cleaning hands/face (we don't have a sink in our portable room)
4. Copy Paper
3/29/18 - I have decided to move the Science Project deadline to the week of May 1st so that it will be after State Testing. The science projects take hours, and hours, of classroom time to present them all to the class, and we really need the class time for the next three weeks to get in as much learning as possible before State Testing.
And, along the same lines, please make sure your child is at school every day (unless sick, or an emergency) during the next three weeks and during testing week (April 23-27). Also make sure that they are not late, and do not leave early. Our attendance has been really horrible lately, and that really takes away from learning opportunities. The disruptions take away from the entire class, but your child will be negatively affected the most.
If your child wants to enter the Science Fair, then the project must come to school Friday, April 6, because that is the day of the Fair. The science board will then need to come back during the week of May 1 to be presented to the class. Only the science board is required for the presentation. Your child does not need to perform any experiments, they will simply go over their science board and explain step-by-step what took place. However, if there is something fascinating from the experiment for them to see, then feel free to bring it in and your child can show it to the class.
And, along the same lines, please make sure your child is at school every day (unless sick, or an emergency) during the next three weeks and during testing week (April 23-27). Also make sure that they are not late, and do not leave early. Our attendance has been really horrible lately, and that really takes away from learning opportunities. The disruptions take away from the entire class, but your child will be negatively affected the most.
If your child wants to enter the Science Fair, then the project must come to school Friday, April 6, because that is the day of the Fair. The science board will then need to come back during the week of May 1 to be presented to the class. Only the science board is required for the presentation. Your child does not need to perform any experiments, they will simply go over their science board and explain step-by-step what took place. However, if there is something fascinating from the experiment for them to see, then feel free to bring it in and your child can show it to the class.
2/20/17 - Science projects are due April 2-6. The PTA is holding this year's Science Fair on Friday, April 6, 2018 from 4-7 pm in the cafeteria; therefore, my deadline for the required science project will be April 2-6. Please remember that I must approve all projects before starting them in order to avoid wasting time on an inappropriate/unacceptable project. It can not be a demonstration (as in the popular volcano), it must be an experiment with a hypothesis as to the outcome/result. You may check online for a project, or your child may choose a project from one of my science project books here in class. I added a "SCIENCE PROJECT" page to my website that will give you more info, and I will also be sending some information home. Please feel free to contact me on this website, or Dojo message me, if you have any questions.
On Wednesday, February 14th, our class will NOT be having a Valentine's Party per se, but the kids will be exchanging Valentine cards. We will also be doing an arts & crafts activity in which the students will be making a container for their Valentine cards. You may send candy if you wish, but it is not expected as we are not actually having a party. The class will first make a container to hold their Valentines, then they will all pass out their Valentines. You won't need a class roster because you only need to put who the card is from. If the cards are addressed to students it takes a veeeeeery long time to pass them all out; otherwise, without a name on the card, the cards can be passed out very quickly (it also saves time making them). We currently have 29 students in our class.
On Wednesday, February 14th, our class will NOT be having a Valentine's Party per se, but the kids will be exchanging Valentine cards. We will also be doing an arts & crafts activity in which the students will be making a container for their Valentine cards. You may send candy if you wish, but it is not expected as we are not actually having a party. The class will first make a container to hold their Valentines, then they will all pass out their Valentines. You won't need a class roster because you only need to put who the card is from. If the cards are addressed to students it takes a veeeeeery long time to pass them all out; otherwise, without a name on the card, the cards can be passed out very quickly (it also saves time making them). We currently have 29 students in our class.
Thank you for sending in some classroom supplies, we sure do need them. I wanted to update you that we now have plenty of disinfecting wipes, but we are still low on baby wipes/Wet Ones, copy paper, facial tissue, and hand sanitizer.
Again, thank you! :)
Thank you for sending in some classroom supplies, we sure do need them. I wanted to update you that we now have plenty of disinfecting wipes, but we are still low on baby wipes/Wet Ones, copy paper, facial tissue, and hand sanitizer.
Again, thank you! :)
Please sign up to supply a food item for our classroom Christmas Party.
Just click here, "CHRISTMAS PARTY" and you will be taken to the correct page. Please do this ASAP so we won't be scrambling at the last minute. Thank you!
Please sign up to supply a food item for our classroom Christmas Party.
Just click here, "CHRISTMAS PARTY" and you will be taken to the correct page. Please do this ASAP so we won't be scrambling at the last minute. Thank you!
Hi Parents,
Our 4th grade field trip to Calico is this Tuesday, 11/14/17. It's always hard to predict the weather around here, so it would be good to include a light sweater or sweatshirt that can be tied around the waist, or left in the bus, if not needed. It's miserable to not have something if it's needed due to cold air and wind.
If you didn't tell me by the deadline that your child needed a school lunch, then make sure a lunch is supplied for her/him, and that your child's name is on it. You can send something like a juice box, or bottle of water, or your child can buy a drink at Calico. Please do not include ANYTHING that requires refrigeration. There is a food venue if you would rather have your child buy a lunch, although slightly pricey.
Make sure your child wears comfortable shoes as Calico is built on a steep hill and there is plenty of climbing and walking involved. There are plenty of gift shops if you want to give him/her money for that kind of thing. If your child brings a cell phone or electronics, then it is done at their own risk and is solely their responsibility if anything happens to it.
If you're a parent that is attending as a chaperone, then I will be sending you a separate message.
Hi Parents,
Our 4th grade field trip to Calico is this Tuesday, 11/14/17. It's always hard to predict the weather around here, so it would be good to include a light sweater or sweatshirt that can be tied around the waist, or left in the bus, if not needed. It's miserable to not have something if it's needed due to cold air and wind.
If you didn't tell me by the deadline that your child needed a school lunch, then make sure a lunch is supplied for her/him, and that your child's name is on it. You can send something like a juice box, or bottle of water, or your child can buy a drink at Calico. Please do not include ANYTHING that requires refrigeration. There is a food venue if you would rather have your child buy a lunch, although slightly pricey.
Make sure your child wears comfortable shoes as Calico is built on a steep hill and there is plenty of climbing and walking involved. There are plenty of gift shops if you want to give him/her money for that kind of thing. If your child brings a cell phone or electronics, then it is done at their own risk and is solely their responsibility if anything happens to it.
If you're a parent that is attending as a chaperone, then I will be sending you a separate message.
10/30/17 - Reminder, the field trip paperwork and money is due next Monday, 11/6/17. This is the final deadline. If money is an issue, then please let me know so we can get that taken care of. Money is not a reason for a child not to attend the field trip.
10/12/17 - REMINDER: The Costume Ball Fall Festival is THIS Saturday, October 14, from 5:00-8:00pm. Tickets are only sold in advance and will NOT be available the day of the event, which means that today and tomorrow are the last opportunities to purchase tickets in Room 25 before and after school. I'm sorry that the flyers didn't go home during my absences, but subs don't typically get items that are in a teacher's mailbox, so the flyers will go home today. Those of you that check Dojo regularly already saw the flyer as I posted it on Tuesday, 10/3/17, as well as posting it on my website.
9/11/17 - Hello Parent(s): Reminder: This Wednesday is picture Day!
Also, our school fundraiser ends this Friday. Please help your school by participating in buying OR selling one item. Just one item will help our school, and our class will win MANY great prizes including a DJ Glow Party for the entire class. Thank you! :)
Also, our school fundraiser ends this Friday. Please help your school by participating in buying OR selling one item. Just one item will help our school, and our class will win MANY great prizes including a DJ Glow Party for the entire class. Thank you! :)
9/7/17 - Grandparents’ Day is this Friday (morning only in my class). The class will be taking weekly tests first thing Friday morning, so from around 9:00 until lunch (12:00) would be best. Grandparents can then go to lunch with their grandchild and have pictures taken together by the PTA.
A Picture Day "reminder" slip went home today. Note that it is actually your first notice, not a reminder. The large Picture Day paper with the money envelope will be going home on Friday. This is the order that the office likes them to go out now.
Please remember to support our school by buying or selling just one item from the fundraiser. Without this fundraiser, the PTA can do very little for our school. Thank you! :)
A Picture Day "reminder" slip went home today. Note that it is actually your first notice, not a reminder. The large Picture Day paper with the money envelope will be going home on Friday. This is the order that the office likes them to go out now.
Please remember to support our school by buying or selling just one item from the fundraiser. Without this fundraiser, the PTA can do very little for our school. Thank you! :)
8/25/17 - The following message was sent to you today via ClassDojo message if you signed up for ClassDojo as I requested that you do. If you have not joined our ClassDojo yet, then please do so ASAP because that is the main form of communication in my class. Thank you!
Hi Parent(s):
The school library is now open, and our class has had our first visit. Each student now has 2 books that are to be taken home for the 45 minutes of reading homework Mon-Thur. I have explained to the class that their only regularly assigned homework is reading; however, there can be other occasional homework if your child needs more practice with a particular concept, or if an assignment in class was not finished when ample time was given. My classroom books are for reading in class only (they are never allowed to go home), and the school library books are to always be taken home for the required reading homework. When your child finishes a book, it needs to come back to school and be exchanged for another book so that s/he always has two school library books at home. Please monitor your child closely and make sure that s/he is doing the required 45 minutes per day homework (at least 20 pages). If I see that your child is well below the daily required AR Point Target (increases by 1/2 point per day average), then I will need to have your child start filling out a reading log that will need to be signed by you each day and returned each Friday in order to earn Fun Friday.
My hope is that this system will make homework easy, convenient, and enjoyable. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me a Dojo message. Have a great weekend! :)
Hi Parent(s):
The school library is now open, and our class has had our first visit. Each student now has 2 books that are to be taken home for the 45 minutes of reading homework Mon-Thur. I have explained to the class that their only regularly assigned homework is reading; however, there can be other occasional homework if your child needs more practice with a particular concept, or if an assignment in class was not finished when ample time was given. My classroom books are for reading in class only (they are never allowed to go home), and the school library books are to always be taken home for the required reading homework. When your child finishes a book, it needs to come back to school and be exchanged for another book so that s/he always has two school library books at home. Please monitor your child closely and make sure that s/he is doing the required 45 minutes per day homework (at least 20 pages). If I see that your child is well below the daily required AR Point Target (increases by 1/2 point per day average), then I will need to have your child start filling out a reading log that will need to be signed by you each day and returned each Friday in order to earn Fun Friday.
My hope is that this system will make homework easy, convenient, and enjoyable. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me a Dojo message. Have a great weekend! :)
8/25/17 - Some students still don't have their student supplies, which can be a disruption to the class learning. Please go to the "Student Supplies" page to see the items that are needed right now. Thank you!
Thank you to all the parents that sent in classroom supplies!!! It was certainly more than I expected. We are doing great with everything now except for baby wipes/Wet Ones face and hand wet wipes, which we are almost out of. Whenever the class is running low on any classroom supplies, I will let you know via the "Classroom Supplies" page of this website. If those supplies don't come in, then I will send out a Dojo message and put it on the "News" page of this website.
Thank you to all the parents that sent in classroom supplies!!! It was certainly more than I expected. We are doing great with everything now except for baby wipes/Wet Ones face and hand wet wipes, which we are almost out of. Whenever the class is running low on any classroom supplies, I will let you know via the "Classroom Supplies" page of this website. If those supplies don't come in, then I will send out a Dojo message and put it on the "News" page of this website.
8/7/17 - Dear Parents and Students, Welcome Back to School!
Parents, I am Mrs. Brooks and I am your child's 4th grade teacher. This website is always under construction during the beginning of the year so it doesn't have many pages yet, but I will be adding pages to the website as I update them for the current year, and as they become relevant to this classroom. I now have 31 computers so that every student will have one to use when we work on technology websites, which we do a great deal (that is if the student count doesn't go over 31, it's currently 30). I use audiobooks a lot in the classroom, so please be sure to go to the "Audiobooks" page to learn about how beneficial they are. Also make sure you check out the "Mp3" page so that you'll know which brand to get. The main page to check out right now is the "Supply Lists" page. This page will inform you as to what classroom and student supplies will be needed. The "Student Supplies" are the most important because we will be using most of them everyday starting the first full week of school (next week). Be sure to sign up for "Renaissance Home Connect" so that you will receive test score messages every time your child takes an AR or AM test.
***Don't forget to complete the important "Parent Survey" ASAP before the end of the first weekend after school starts.
Parents, I am Mrs. Brooks and I am your child's 4th grade teacher. This website is always under construction during the beginning of the year so it doesn't have many pages yet, but I will be adding pages to the website as I update them for the current year, and as they become relevant to this classroom. I now have 31 computers so that every student will have one to use when we work on technology websites, which we do a great deal (that is if the student count doesn't go over 31, it's currently 30). I use audiobooks a lot in the classroom, so please be sure to go to the "Audiobooks" page to learn about how beneficial they are. Also make sure you check out the "Mp3" page so that you'll know which brand to get. The main page to check out right now is the "Supply Lists" page. This page will inform you as to what classroom and student supplies will be needed. The "Student Supplies" are the most important because we will be using most of them everyday starting the first full week of school (next week). Be sure to sign up for "Renaissance Home Connect" so that you will receive test score messages every time your child takes an AR or AM test.
***Don't forget to complete the important "Parent Survey" ASAP before the end of the first weekend after school starts.